SOCOTEC Netherlands is committed to corporate social responsibility and sustainability:
In a world faced with multiple complex issues, people must redefine their place either by applying new technologies, developing responsible and sustainable services or by adapting their living or working environment. ‘Building trust for a safer and sustainable world’ is our goal and drives our actions.

Founded in 1953 to help make buildings sustainable, safer and to extend their life after World War II, the SOCOTEC Group is committed to continuing to support its private and commercial customers in the area of building integrity.

The group offers a unique combination of expertise to assist investors, asset managers, property managers, builders, constructors, architects, project developers, maintenance and technical directors, etc. throughout the asset lifecycle to ensure they comply with legal and regulatory requirements, to make them safer, to increase their energy and environmental performance, and to contribute to the cities of the future becoming more inclusive and safer for their inhabitants and users.

SOCOTEC is a trusted third party that provides independent audits and compliance reports, and provides technical advice throughout the lifecycle of buildings, installations or equipment. SOCOTEC aims to provide all with a safer and sustainable living environment that is more resilient to climate change.  

Our goal is ‘Building trust for a safer and sustainable world’. It is the guiding principle behind all that we do. 

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Talk to our experts

Ingeborg van den Eertwegh

Head of HR&D SOCOTEC Netherlands

Head of HR&D SOCOTEC Netherlands 026-4420460

Jean Marc Fort

Managing Director, International & Infrastructure

Managing Director, International & Infrastructure +33130128166

Our values

Business ethics are at the heart of our assignments. As a trusted third party, we provide our customers with independent compliance or risk assessment reports. When working with customers and partners, we adhere to our Code of Ethics that is shared with 100% of our employees and suppliers, and follow all regulations related to Human Rights, Labour Law, Anti-Bribery Law as well as Environmental Regulations. SOCOTEC has been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact since 2022.

Reducing the environmental impact of both our customers and ourselves everywhere we operate. Working together with the lifecycle of buildings to improve their energy and environmental performance, from construction, through building operation, to decommissioning: this expertise is called “GREEN TRUST” and makes SOCOTEC a problem solver that enables the environmental and energy transition for its customers.

SOCOTEC also offers circular economy solutions for better waste management and is committed to reducing its impact and that of its customers on carbon emissions and pollution (water-land-air). Predictive maintenance of buildings and facilities can help optimise and anticipate environmental performance, in built structures, storage facilities, manufacturing sites, and maintenance or decommissioning phases of buildings.

GREEN TRUST makes a difference in the way we guide our clients towards a more sustainable and resilient world concerning buildings, infrastructure, industrial installations and their furnishings.

Reducing our own environmental impact is also a top priority in all our regions and is part of our group carbon footprint target.

Our 5-year action plan calls for the following:  

  • Reducing our carbon footprint by 15% (electricity consumption, travel, environmentally friendly driving, fleet including electric cars, etc.)
  • Developing a responsible and sustainable purchasing approach for the entire company worldwide
  • Supporting the circular economy and waste separation, especially for our WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

Our business sectors (construction, infrastructure, industry) are constantly looking for qualified technicians and engineers. To assess our candidates and support our teams in a sustainable way, we are committed to providing the best workplace. We are ready to fulfil our role of preparing them for skills development, and for providing a “you grow we grow” working environment for all generations. Our learning programmes are unique. They provide technical and technological insight by teaching people in the field, on-the-job as well as face-to-face or through remote learning courses. 

We also have sustainable initiatives in partnership with associations such as “Sport dans la Ville” in France that demonstrate our commitment to encouraging and employing young people who have dropped out of school. In the UK, we have signed the Armed Forces Covenant to support serving military personnel, service leavers, veterans and their families. The “Salvadori Center” in the US brings mathematics and science alive for students in New York City in the areas of construction and infrastructure, while “Engineers Without Borders” in Germany promotes engineering knowledge that enables sustainable development in our industries. 

Read more about “Inclusion is important at SOCOTEC”.


Business ethics, integrity and responsibility are crucial to SOCOTEC’s actions 

  • Ethical principles:

Onze 11.500 medewerkers delen onze ethische gedragscode, nemen deel aan onze integratie-initiatieven en worden gewezen op het vereiste ethische gedrag op het werk met alle belanghebbenden van SOCOTEC. We vragen ook een sterke betrokkenheid bij duurzame ontwikkeling door middel van de bedrijfswaarden die onze acties sturen. Naleving van lokale en internationale wet- en regelgeving speelt een sleutelrol in de ethische code van de SOCOTEC Groep en de managementacties. Dit is een fundamentele vereiste om de integriteit van SOCOTEC te waarborgen en haar reputatie hoog te houden. Via een klokkenluidersprocedure kan iedere werknemer of belanghebbende een misdrijf, overtreding of bedreiging van het algemeen belang melden.  

Wij hebben een Commissie Ethiek die zich inzet voor de handhaving van de Code of Ethics en die een oplossing moet vinden bij meldingen van onethisch gedrag en moet toezien op de handhaving van de bepalingen van de anticorruptiewetgeving.  

Two executive members lead the Ethics Committee:

  • The management of the SOCOTEC Group
  • Jean-Marc Fort

    General Manager

  • Ingeborg I. van den Eertwegh-Landsmeer

    Head of HR&D

Want to know more about us?

Certification are only available in Dutch. If you want more information please contact us

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Talk to our experts

Ingeborg van den Eertwegh

Head of HR&D SOCOTEC Netherlands

Head of HR&D SOCOTEC Netherlands 026-4420460

Jean Marc Fort

Managing Director, International & Infrastructure

Managing Director, International & Infrastructure +33130128166