Below are the general conditions applicable within SOCOTEC Netherlands.
SOCOTEC Netherlands is divided into three companies. You can therefore consult the terms and conditions applicable to the particular company with which you have entered into a partnership.
SOCOTEC Building Performance
SOCOTEC Geotechnics B.V.
- SONAR Geotechniek B.V.
- Ingenieursbureau Inpijn-Blokpoel Zuid B.V.
- Ingenieursbureau InpijnBlokpoel West B.V.
- Inpijn-Blokpoel Milieu B.V.
- IB engineers B.V.
- Songoed B.V
SOCOTEC Risk Management & Claims
- Hanselman Groep B.V.
- ProScan B.V.
Terms of Condition are only available in Dutch
If you want more information please contact us