SOCOTEC is certified and has qualified consultants that can carry out Energy Performance (EP) calculations. These calculations are part of the Building Code assessment and are carried out in accordance with NTA-8800.

Energy Performance Calculations

SOCOTEC is certified and has qualified consultants that can carry out Energy Performance (EP) calculations. These EP calculations are part of the Building Code assessment and are carried out in accordance with the NTA-8800 calculation method for both homes and utilities.

Talk to our experts

Erik Giesen

Coördinator Engineering & Building Physics

Coördinator Engineering & Building Physics +31 593 541045

Our PE calculations

To determine the right points of departure for the Building Code assessment, we can carry out an advisory EP calculation. In the recommendation we identify the minimum requirements to comply with the Building Code regulations. If necessary, we can also generate multiple variations that explore alternative methods of meeting the requirements.

When applying for an environmental permit, an EP calculation and provisional energy label must be calculated up and registered. For housing this must be done for each home. The EP calculation shows that the applied structural and installation-related characteristics comply with the EP indicators (EP1, EP2, and EP3) and the indicator that assesses the risk of overheating (TO-juli for summer comfort). The results of the EP calculation(s) and provisional energy labels are registered with Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO). The EP calculation becomes part of the application for an environmental permit.

Upon completion, the Energy Performance must be re-evaluated based on the actual implemented structural and installation-related characteristics. For this definitive survey, it is essential that the right information is recorded during the work and that the EP consultant is provided with the complete execution dossier. The EP consultant will carry out an inspection on location for the definitive energy survey. The results of the EP calculation of the actual situation are once again registered with the RVO. This process also establishes the definitive energy label.


Daylight calculations

A daylight calculation in accordance with NEN 2057 checks whether the building offers a healthy and comfortable indoor climate. Testing occurs in accordance with the applicable requirements for the specific building (building function). A daylight calculation is mandatory for the construction, major maintenance or renovation of a building. This calculation assesses the presence of sufficient daylight openings to meet the specified requirements.

Ventilation calculations

When applying for an environmental permit, a ventilation calculation in accordance with NEN 1087 must be drawn up. This calculation determines the minimum required ventilation in each room to meet the requirements. This is also presented visually in a ventilation flow diagram. The façade ventilation calculation is done at the same time. This determines the number of openings required and their size.

Usable area calculation

When applying for an environmental permit for the construction of housing, a surface area calculation must be drawn up for each type of housing in the project. This calculation is based on the methodology outlined in NEN 2580. The usable area and determination of the living area are fundamental for various calculations, including daylight calculations, ventilation calculations, and façade ventilation calculations. Additionally, it is verified whether 55% (requirement) of the usable area consists of living space.

Thermal resistance calculation

When applying for an environmental permit or on final acceptance, the R or U-value must be determined for each construction element for the EP calculation. They must be calculated in accordance with NTA 8800.

Environmental performance calculation for buildings

Finally, when applying for an environmental permit, an environmental performance for buildings (MPG) calculation must be carried out. This calculation determines the shadow price of the environmental impact caused by the materials used. This is mandatory for residential construction (for each housing type) and for office functions >100 m².

The more sustainable materials used, the lower the MPG score will be. The quantities of all the materials to be used can be calculated with the aid of the National Environmental Database. The MPG calculation can demonstrate that the design meets the specified requirement.

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Talk to our experts

Erik Giesen

Coördinator Engineering & Building Physics

Coördinator Engineering & Building Physics +31 593 541045