A groundwater monitoring network is a system of standpipes for the periodical measurement of groundwater levels.

SOCOTEC has all the in-house expertise required to offer you a total solution: from completely designing and setting up the monitoring network to presenting the data collected. SOCOTEC offers various different measuring methods to chart the groundwater dynamics. One method uses offline pressure gauges.

The gauges are placed in the standpipes and measure the pressure there. The gauges measure not only the pressure in the water column but also the air pressure. SOCOTEC compensates the measured values per quarter using the air pressure as well as carrying out a manual measurement to validate. After validating the data, we write a report on the validated series of measurements.

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Talk to our experts

ing. Henk Bardoel

Department Head Geo-Monitoring

Department Head Geo-Monitoring

Henk.bardoel@socotec-geotechnics.nl +31 499 471792

In addition, we offer the possibility of following the groundwater dynamics real-time by means of telemetric data collection. This consists of registering the groundwater level with sensors, after which the data is sent to SOCOTEC’s web portal via a communication link. The data can be viewed live and exported for own use and analysis.

On-site groundwater monitoring


During construction work it is important to monitor the groundwater level. This can be important for linking theory to practice, for example connecting the current groundwater level with the calculations made or verifying that the work is being carried out within the limits of the monitoring plan for example in the case of dewatering.

Groundwater monitoring can be carried out using online sensors ensuring that the groundwater level can be monitored in real-time online. This provides both the contractor and the client with insight.

It is also possible to set alarms so that timely adjustments can be made.

Water pressure measurement 

The stability of your construction site’s underground can (literally) come under pressure due to the accumulation of water pressure, with the possible failure of that underground as a result. This is possible if a large weight such as an embankment or equipment is placed on it. Monitoring the water pressure with water-pressure gauges means an eye can be kept on this and failure of the underground can thus be prevented.

SOCOTEC places the water pressure gauges at your location. Depending on the site, this occurs by hand or using a mini caterpillar.

We connect the water pressure gauges to a datalogger that powers the pressure sensors, automatically reads out the measurements and transmits them via the Internet.

SOCOTEC presents the measurement data on a web portal. Using your login, you can see the data yourself real-time and export it for your own use and analysis. 


Infiltration capacity and permeability  

Geohydrologically speaking, the soil can be characterised by the permeability of the ground. Extreme rainfall and increasing paving require more infiltration capacity on and under the surface, for example in the form of buried infiltration crates or developing wadis. Permeability measurements provide insight into the ground’s suitability for such applications. It is also important to gain insight into the permeability in order to draw up a dewatering plan. 

SOCOTEC determines the permeability (k-value) by carrying out standpipe tests in the field. This is possible in both the unsaturated and the saturated zone.

We use permeability measurements amongst other things during infiltration tests. 

Soil moisture measurements

A number of things play a role in the stability of a flood defence consisting of peat. One of them is the moisture content of the peat. A low moisture content can have a negative impact on the peat flood defence’s stability. The moisture content of peat (or other types of soil) can be determined by taking an undisturbed soil sample in the field and then drying that sample in an oven in the lab. The disadvantage of this method is that an undisturbed sample first has to be taken in the field and that the water content determined is only a snapshot.

The use of soil moisture sensors offers a solution. These sensors are placed at the desired depth under the ground, providing insight into the soil moisture content at the desired frequency (6 times a day, for example). SOCOTEC presents the measurement data on a web portal. Using your login, you can see the data yourself real-time and export it for your own use and analysis. 


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Talk to our experts

ing. Henk Bardoel

Department Head Geo-Monitoring

Department Head Geo-Monitoring

Henk.bardoel@socotec-geotechnics.nl +31 499 471792