Project information
Project name: Reinforcement of the flood defence in Marken
Date: 2020
Client: Dutch Department of Public Works / Hof van Marken
Location: Marken

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Project description
In 2020, the Department of Public Works started reinforcing the flood defence in Marken. In order to keep protecting Marken from flooding, the flood defence must be reinforced. At present, the flood defence has stability problems and is too low in places. That is why the Department of Public Works is reinforcing the Zuidkade and Westkade, so that the flood defence will be sturdy and safe again for another 50 years.
Services performed by SOCOTEC
SOCOTEC is inspecting the homes that fall within the range of influence of the work. There are a lot of special, listed buildings in beautiful surroundings. Engineering firm Boorsma is cooperating with SOCOTEC for part of the survey in connection with the structural inspections of a number of homes.