Project Information: 

Project name: Theater aan de Parade in 's Hertogenbosch

Date: 2019 to 2023

Client: Pieters Bouwtechniek Utrecht 

Location: Den Bosch

Size: 80 million

Project film: click here

Talk to our experts

Drs. Rudi de Koning

Advisor Constructionsites and constructionpits & Groundwater Control

Advisor Constructionsites and constructionpits & Groundwater Control +31 6 21449779

Summmary of the project 

After years of hard work, the Theater aan de Parade in Den Bosch was recently completed. During the construction of the new theatre, the structure of the old theatre was largely used. The challenge here was to create more space without making the new theatre bigger than the old one. The new theatre is intended to act as a 'social activator'. A cultural centre that, with two halls and a theatre café space, is suitable for all performing arts but can also be used as a flexible festival building. 

For the realisation of the theatre, it was ultimately decided to retain the existing basement and stage tower. After demolishing most of the superstructure, an additional foundation was built in the existing basement with jet grout columns. Locally, the basement has been expanded using sheet piling and water glass injection. With the chosen method of implementation, it has been possible to carry out the underground work with as little impact on the environment as possible.

Description of the project

SOCOTEC was involved in the first new construction plans from 2014 onwards. Since 2019, SOCOTEC has been working as a geotechnical consultant on the second design of the theatre. SOCOTEC has carried out the following activities:

  • Execution of geotechnical investigations: research was carried out both outside and in the existing theatre. Indoor CPTs have been made from the ground floor through the existing basement.  
  • Advice: Together with, among others, the main structural engineer Pieters Bouwtechniek and the contractor of the jet grout piles Smet and chief contractor Mertens, SOCOTEC considered the geotechnical aspects of the existing foundation and the jet grout piles as well as auger piles, sheet piles and water glass injection layer.

In addition to the geotechnical advice, we also provided geohydrological advice to determine the possible cracking of the construction pit bottom and the floating of the basement, as well as to determine the depth of the jet grout piles.

This project will be completed in the spring of 2024. We look back on a great collaboration and a project in which we were able to use a lot of knowledge and expertise to offer geotechnical solutions. In order to transfer the knowledge within our team of geotechnical consultants, the structural engineer made it possible for us to visit the location with the team.

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